Audio Branding Blog
We Rethink Everything 

We Rethink Everything

Hospital Harmony Case Study Banner Image of isometric heart monitors.
15 Sep 2024Healthcare

Harmony in Healthcare

Audio UX® is creating a better sounding world by rethinking how hospitals and healthcare should sound.

Image of sound waves
15 Mar 2024Sonic Branding

The Future of Sonic Branding

The Future of Sonic Branding by Brendán Murphy of Lippincott

Audio UX® on Twenty Thousand Hertz
15 Feb 2024Automotive Audio Branding

Audio UX on Twenty Thousand Hertz

Audio UX® joins Twenty Thousand Hertz on a podcast about automotive sound design.

Audio UX® produced The Sounds of Rivian.
17 Feb 2023Automotive Audio Branding

The Sounds of Rivian

Audio UX® partnered with Rivian to develop sustainable sonic branding for R1T and R1S.

Audio UX® Shareable Sonic Branding
10 Oct 2022Social Media

Shareable Sonic Branding

In this two part series, we explore how user-generated content leads to a shared experience of sonic branding and AI voice adoption.

Social Audio Mobile Application
11 Oct 2021Social Audio

Social Audio Branding

As social media becomes less visual, how will audio branding change our virtual interactions?

Audio UX featured a quote in Forbes.
01 Oct 2020Sonic Branding

Forbes Featured Quote

A featured quote from the Forbes article, "User-Generated Audio Branding: What You Need To Know To Ride The Next Sonic Wave."

Composing COVID-19; a pattern of DNA and loudspeakers.
16 Sep 2020Music & Medicine

Composing COVID-19

Why does human DNA sound like a piano, and why does a pathogenic virus sound like a traditional Japanese stringed instrument?

A trio of color chips reflecting the official PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue Color of the Year.
21 Jan 2020Audio Branding

Composing Classic Blue

A behind-the-scenes look at the team that crafted the first-ever Sound of the Color of the Year by sonically branding blue.

A pattern of various earbuds and headphones.
09 Oct 2019Sound Technology

Hearables: Wearables For Your Ears

How will brands wisen up to the benefits of sonic branding in a time when listeners are consuming more audio content than ever?

Earcons: Small Sounds Mean Big Business.
15 Jul 2019UX Sound Design

Small Sounds Mean Big Business

Audio UX presents a proprietary study conducted with Veritonic on the efficacy of earcons.

Featured quote in Adweek.
15 Apr 2019Featured Quote

Adweek Featured Quote

In the Adweek article, "Sound May Be The Next Augmented Reality Frontier For Brands," Marty Swant writes about how agencies are designing for the ear instead of the eye. Our CD, Sean Thornton, weighs in.

South by Southwest® logo grid.
13 Mar 2019Panel

SXSW 2019

Design Patterns for Spatial Sound in AR

Business Insider Featured Quote
21 Mar 2019Featured Quote

Business Insider Quote

Our CSO Dexter Garcia offers insights on proper execution of sonic branding in this Business Insider quote.

From UX to VX: Audio Branding in a Voice-First Future
04 Aug 2018Voice Experience

From UX to VX

Take care to develop your voice experience, and your product will speak volumes.

Google Home products with iconic question marks.
13 Mar 2018UX Sound Design

Ok Google, What's That Sound?

Earcons are everywhere and growing more and more prevalent, but have you ever wondered how they are made?

Creating the sophomore Audio UX® EP, "RUIN."
20 Nov 2017Original Composition

Creating Ruin

Made of field recordings from the abandoned Letchworth asylum, Audio UX® serves up a brutal second EP, "Ruin."

Sonic Branding is Dead banner image.
25 Oct 2017Audio Branding

Sonic Branding is Dead

The paradigm is shifting from asset-first sonic branding to user-first, and we have a name for it: Audio User Experience.

Acoustics-based NFC.
07 Jul 2017Technology

Audio QR

A deeper look into how sound plays a role in personal data, and the role Audio UX will play in Audio QR.

A patterned wallpaper of vinyl.
01 May 2017Music Curation

Albums You May Have Missed

Here are a couple of lesser-known gems to throw onto your Spotify list this Spring.

Colored tapestry of cassette tapes.
07 Jun 2017Original Composition

Creating Memory Phase

A behind the scenes look at the creation of the Memory Phase EP.

A network of music technology devices.
05 Apr 2017Audio Events

The Future of Audio Events

An upcoming look at some of the most influential audio events of 2017 and beyond.

A pattern of color swatches.
03 Mar 2017Holistic Branding

The UX of A

Color matters. Why shouldn't sound?